Straighter Teeth

Blog posts by Solihull Dental Centre and Implant Clinic relating to Straighter teeth

fast braces

How Fast do Braces Work?

Are you thinking about getting braces? You might be overwhelmed by the various braces available for orthodontic treatment. The selection of braces for your orthodontic treatment that offers the best aesthetic and functional results while fitting your budget can be a challenging task. Another factor to consider is the treatment time. Today, fast braces are available to treat tooth misalignment in a much shorter time than conventional metal braces. 

If you are confused between selecting the conventional or fast braces and would like to know more about the pros and cons of each, then read on. This article offers an overview of different types of braces and will help you choose an orthodontic system that best suits your dental needs. 

How Long Will It Take For Braces To Straighten My Teeth?

Orthodontic treatment often works faster if we are only moving the front 6 teeth, often called the ‘social six’ – This is because the roots of front teeth are smaller than the roots of the back teeth and so can be moved much faster.

The estimated time required for fixing an orthodontic problem depends on three main factors:

  • The severity of the orthodontic problem
  • The type of braces or orthodontic system used 
  • Patient compliance 

According to the British Orthodontic society, minor tooth problems involving the front six teeth can be treated as early as six months with traditional braces. However, more complicated issues involving the bite may take longer – anywhere between 12-24 months – for complete treatment. 

There is another option for people who do not want to wait that long- the fast braces. As the name suggests, these braces fix tooth misalignment in a shorter duration compared with conventional metal braces. According to the manufacturer, fast braces can take anywhere between three months and a year to treat orthodontic problems. Again, that would depend on the severity of your problem and how well you adhere to your dentist’s instructions. 

Why Do My Teeth Feel Loose With Braces?

To realign your teeth, your dentist has to move them or reposition them. Since the roots of our teeth are embedded in the bone, your orthodontist has to exert pressure on the roots to move them. During this process, the bone around the roots is removed to allow for the movement of the tooth.

This is why you may feel that your teeth have become loose during orthodontic treatment. However, there is no need to worry; as soon as the tooth movement stops, bone tissue forms around the root, anchoring it firmly within the jawbone. 

What Will Happen If Braces Move Your Teeth Too Fast?

Like other bones inside our body, the jawbone also undergoes remodelling when put under pressure. If too much force is applied to the teeth for faster movement, it will be directly transmitted to the underlying jawbone. As a result of this pressure, the jawbone starts to resorb, causing two problems.

First, bone resorption makes the teeth mobile in their sockets. Secondly, excessive pressure on the teeth can lead to the inflammation of the periodontal ligament – the tissue which suspends our teeth in their sockets, causing periodontal inflammation. That is why dentists apply gentle and controlled forces on the teeth during orthodontic treatment to ensure no adverse effects. 

Fast Braces: Pros And Cons?

Fast Braces are an attractive treatment option for those  looking for an orthodontic treatment option that works faster than traditional braces. But this is not their only benefit. Let us look at some of the disadvantages and benefits of Fast Braces

  1. Pros of Fast Braces
    1. Less painful than conventional braces
    2. No or minimal need for tooth extractions 
    3. Minimal changes in bite
    4. Fewer wires and adjustments needed compared with conventional braces- fewer orthodontic visits required.
  2. Cons of Fast Braces
    1. Not a “comprehesive” orthodontic treatment, with more emphasis on the “aesthetics” than the functionality
    2. Fast Braces may not be suitable for complex or complicated orthodontic problems.

Fast Braces Vs Regular Braces

Any type of orthodontic brace can be turned into fast braces. Therefore regular braces and fast braces are often the same thing. There are a few systems such as the Inman Aligner which allow very rapid movement of teeth in approximately 16 weeks, although Invisalign can also move teeth in up to 6 months if the conditions are right.

How Do Fast Braces Work?

According to the manufacturers of Fast Braces, these are low-profile orthodontic brackets that use flexible orthodontic wires to move the teeth quickly and without the need for using heavy forces. A distinct difference between the mechanism of the conventional braces and the Fast Braces orthodontic technology is that the traditional braces first move the roots and then the upper portion of the teeth.

In contrast, the Fast Braces are designed so that they move both the tooth root and the upper part of the teeth – the crown – at the same time. This is a significant reason why Fast Braces can fix front teeth problems shorter than the traditional fixed braces. 

If you are confused between choosing conventional or Fast Braces, let an experienced and qualified dentist help you at your nearby dental practice.

At Solihull Dental and Implant Centre, we have a team of highly experienced dental professionals who will help you choose an orthodontic treatment option that offers the best aesthetic and functional results. We also take pride in having state-of-the-art dental diagnostic and therapeutic equipment to offer the highest quality dental services to our esteemed patients. 

NO matter how fast you want your teeth to be straight, consider Invisalign aligners. We offer all orthodontic services under one roof. So, book an appointment with us and take your first step towards a healthy and beautiful smile – Fast! 

What Is Invisalign?

Our teeth are not just meant for eating. They have another vital role to play – they are the most crucial component of our facial aesthetics. While perfectly aligned teeth make us look charming and attractive, people with crooked or misaligned teeth are often perceived as unattractive and less intelligent. If you are concerned about your misaligned teeth, this article will explain how you can get a rockstar smile by getting your teeth straightened with Invisalign. 

Invisalign Versus Braces – A Comparison

If you are thinking about orthodontic treatment, most likely, you will have two treatment options in mind; traditional metal braces and the Invisalign aligner. So, which option is the best for you? You can only decide once you know the differences and similarities between both the orthodontic options. 

Perhaps, the most noticeable difference between the braces and the aligners is that while the metal braces are highly conspicuous, Invisalign aligners are made from a transparent material – making them virtually invisible when you wear them. 

Similarly, braces remain fixed to your teeth while the aligners are removable. Also, since the brackets are bonded to your teeth with an adhesive, your dentist will ask you not to eat hard or sticky foods – as doing so may result in the dislodgment of your brackets. On the other hand, Invisalign aligners can be removed whenever you want to eat or drink something. 

Since the Invisalign aligners are removable, you can take them off while brushing and flossing to achieve optimal oral hygiene, unlike the metal braces, which create difficulties in teeth cleaning, especially the teeth’ tight spaces. 

In terms of the range of treatment, metal braces can be used for treating even the most complicated orthodontic cases. On the other hand, Invisalign aligners are generally suitable for mild to moderate orthodontic problems. 

Can You Get Invisalign For Only Top Teeth?

Generally, orthodontic treatment with aligners involves wearing a set of upper and lower aligners. Wearing both the upper and lower aligners ensures that the alignment of the top and bottom teeth is achieved harmoniously, and symmetrical results are achieved. However, in cases where there is a mild misalignment in the upper or the lower jaw, your dentist may ask you to wear aligners only on the affected jaw. 

Please note that this is not done routinely, and dentists handle such situations on a case-to-case basis – depending on your individual dental needs. Before starting the treatment, your dentist will perform a detailed clinical examination of your teeth. He or she will also make a 3D digital scan of your teeth (Often using an Itero element scanner) to prepare a custom treatment plan for you. Only after thorough treatment planning, your Invisalign will let you know whether you need aligners in both jaws or one only. 

How Long Does Invisalign Take?

Whether it’s the conventional fixed braces or the Invisalign aligners, treatment duration depends on various factors. The most crucial factor is the severity of the orthodontic problem. Typically, mild to moderate problems with tooth misalignment can be fixed within 8-12 months with Invisalign. However, it may take anywhere between 18-24 months for complete treatment when it comes to more complex or complicated orthodontic issues. 

Another factor that affects the treatment time is patient compliance. Especially in removable aligners, many patients forget to wear them for the recommended duration, or they misplace or break them frequently. The manufacturers of Invisalign Clear Aligners recommend wearing your aligners for 22 hours each day for optimal results. 

How Does Invisalign Move Teeth?

At the beginning of your treatment, your orthodontist will give a set of numbered aligners. You will be asked to wear an aligner set for about two weeks and then switch to the next set of aligners. Your dentist will design your aligners to exert gentle forces on your teeth to move them in the desired direction. The Invisalign aligners are made from a proprietary SmartTrack material, which ensures that they snugly fit around your teeth while remaining comfortable and moving your teeth as fast as possible – without causing pain or discomfort. 

How Long Do You Have To Wear Invisalign?

Your dentist will ask you to continue to wear your aligners until all your teeth have been straightened. Depending on the complexity of your case, your orthodontic specialist may give you anywhere between six to forty-eight aligner sets. Once you have worn a set for fourteen days, you will be asked to switch to the next aligners. In this way, each aligner set will bring you one step closer to the goal – perfectly aligned and straight teeth. 

Your orthodontic may reduce the treatment time by using special attachments with your aligners. Moreover, you can also shorten the duration of your treatment by adhering to your dentist’s instructions. Make sure you wear your aligners for a time duration determined by your doctor – removing them only for eating or brushing your teeth. In case you accidentally break or fracture your aligners, visit your orthodontist immediately to get a replacement so that it does not affect your treatment. 

You must also take note that once your dentist has completed your active treatment with aligners, you may have to wear Viverra retainers for some time. According to the National Health Service (NHS), A retainer is a removable or fixed appliance used for consolidating your treatment – and ensuring that your teeth do not move back to their previous position. 

Are you looking for a reliable and friendly dental practice to get your teeth straightened with Invisalign Clear Aligners in Solihull? Look no more! Our team of experienced dentists and Invisalign specialists prepare a customised treatment plan for you – to transform your smile – and give you a set of perfectly aligned, pearly-white, and healthy teeth that you can be genuinely proud of! So, what are you waiting for? Book an appointment with us today for a free consultation, and let us take care of all your dental problems. 

14 Questions & Answers About Adult braces

Questions and answers about adult bracesWith so many people now considering wearing braces way beyond their childhood and teenage years we thought it would be appropriate to answer as many questions as we can about braces for adults, including fixed braces & invisible braces.

1. Is it necessary to remove teeth before having braces?

It may sometimes be necessary to remove teeth. It depends on your clinical situation. Very often teeth become crooked because they are overcrowded and they’re physically isn’t enough room for all of the teeth to be straight. Removing teeth allows the remaining teeth to be straightened in the most efficient manner. You would generally only need to have teeth removed if your teeth are crowded, if you want orthodontics because your teeth are spaced then tooth removal would not normally be necessary.

2. What is the age limit for wearing braces?

There isn’t an age limit for braces to move teeth. The only real criteria is that you are dentally fit and healthy which does become more problematic as you age.

3. Is it bad for your gums to start wearing braces in my 20s?

Being 20 is still very young and it would be absolutely fine to wear braces. So long as the braces are designed well they should not be bad for your gums. You will also need to make sure that you are cleaning your teeth adequately everyday, this is far more likely to be bad for your gums than braces themselves. A dental hygienist can help with this.

4. What is it like to wear braces as an adult?

It depends on what type of braces you have. Lingual braces (braces that fit on the inside of your teeth) can be a little uncomfortable to begin with but are virtually invisible. Braces on the front of your teeth, often known as train tracks make not look quite as good however, with modern techniques such as ceramic braces with white wires they can be virtually imperceptible.

5. How long should you wear braces?

Some treatments can be undertaken in around 12 weeks, other treatments can take up to 2 years. Shorter treatments usually only involve the top front teeth, front teeth have smaller and less complex roots than back teeth and are therefore quicker and easier to move. If your orthodontic brace is to move back teeth then treatment times can be significantly longer.

tooth root sizes

Image source:

6. Is it embarrassing to wear braces to college?

There are a couple of ways to deal with embarrassment from wearing braces at College or University. One way is to opt for more invisible braces such as lingual, Invisalign or ceramic braces. These are very discreet systems.

Another way to deal with embarrassment is to make a statement with your braces. You could opt to have various coloured bands on your metal brace, these can be chosen to match your favourite sports team or colours and can make a real fashion statement.

The key is to let your dentist or orthodontist know about your concerns and you can then decide together the best way to overcome them.

7. What are some tips for surviving adult braces?

Our tips for surviving adult braces are:

  • Accept that there will be some mild discomfort for a couple of days each time the braces are adjusted, typically every 4-6 weeks.
  • Clean your braces fastidiously after every meal.
  • Invest in interdental brushes so that you can clean between the brackets adequately.
  • Be prepared for a lull in your motivation towards the end of treatment. Many patients find the final couple of months difficult as they have had the bulk of change they require and now just want to get the braces off. Being prepared to this can help you deal with how you feel towards the end of treatment.
  • Book a celebration meal for when you’re braces come off with all of the favourite foods you haven’t been able to eat during treatment.
  • Talk to your orthodontist or dentist throughout treatment. If you’re having problems then let them know as they are almost always ways to help.

8. What are the disadvantages of wearing braces?

Some disadvantages of wearing braces can be:

  • Mild discomfort each time they are adjusted.
  • The length of treatment. Sometimes this can be up to 2 years.
  • For braces which are fitted on the front surface of your teeth they can sometimes irritate your cheeks and cause ulcers.
  • The braces cost and sometimes put people off although there are almost always payment options available.

9. Orthodontics: Do braces really work?

Yes. The science of orthodontics is now clearly understood. Simply putting pressure on the tooth in a particular direction will move it. The proof of this is that sometimes we need to use orthodontics to correct accidental childhood movement of the bone. If a child sucks their thumb very hard at a young age they can move the bone in the roof of their mouth. Because the bone is moved it also moves the teeth leaving them with buck teeth.

Orthodontics use utilises this very same principle but in a controlled manner to move the teeth into a position we want.

10. How do people feel about adult braces?

The results speak for themselves. Patients are invariably delighted with the result of adult braces and feel younger, fresher, brighter and more confident.

Before and after adult orthodontics

Before and after

11. How effective is orthodontics in grown ups?

In days gone by orthodontics was only offered to children and teenagers. Adults are usually considered not tolerant of the classic NHS braces which were metal and obtrusive. Advances in modern techniques to provide more aesthetic braces (Although not an nhs treatment)  has meant that adults have opted to have orthodontics also. Orthodontic results are extremely good in adults.

Any orthodontics will also require you to wear a retainer, this can sometimes be a removable device so adults need to remember that this will need to be worn, usually at night, after treatment.

12. What age is too old to start using braces (for teeth)?

So long as your oral health is in good condition then no age is too old to start using orthodontic braces.

13. What are the pros and cons of dental braces?

On the positive side:

Dental braces maintain your natural tooth structure meaning your teeth stay as healthy as possible, just in a new position. Dental braces are therefore one of the most holistic and health-conscious ways to straighten crooked teeth.

On the negative side:

Dental braces often take at least three months to work, sometimes up to 2 years. So if you’re looking for a quick result then you may like to look at other cosmetic dentistry alternatives such as veneers or bonding.

14. What are the various types of braces?

Dental braces typically come in 3 varieties:

  1. Rapid.
  2. Imperceptible.
  3. Complex.

Rapid systems include things like Invisalign Lite or the Inman aligner. These typically move front teeth only (their roots are shorter and so can be moved quicker) to more cosmetically acceptable positions. Often this is only rotating or tipping teeth rather than removing them bodily.

Imperceptible systems include Invisalign, lingual and ceramic braces. Some of these more imperceptible systems utilise clear aligners, some of them at the orthodontic braces on the tongue side of your teeth whilst others use ceramic/clear braces with white wires on the front of your teeth to be completely tooth coloured.

Complex systems include ceramic/clear braces and conventional metal train track braces. These can be used to move teeth bodily, including the more difficult to move back teeth.

These three alternatives are not mutually exclusive, for example ceramic braces (complex) are also virtually invisible. Some of the systems are also removable (Inman aligner, Invisalign) whilst others are fixed (metal train track braces or clear/ceramic braces)


There are so many questions about orthodontics that you may like to ask, our Solihull Dental Practice is happy to take questions and queries from you on social media stream, we also recommend that you speak to your own dentist about your concerns and questions.

All problems exist in the absence of good communication… So let’s talk.


The Reasons People Want Straighter Teeth, Some of Them Might Surprise You.

We hear many reasons for people wanting straighter teeth here at our dental practice in Solihull, in the outskirts of Birmingham.  There is generally a desire in society to look as good as possible and research has shown that first impressions really do count, especially as a smile is seen as one of the most important aspects in those first impressions.

let’s look at some of the reasons and benefits of having straighter teeth.

 The benefits of straighter teeth

Improved Self-Esteem

553291_471240662887404_2144508923_nResearch by both Sonicare and the  American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry has shown that people tend to notice a great smile first when they meet you. This goes a long way to explaining why a straighter smile improves self-esteem.

Teeth Will Be Easier to Clean.

download (1)It is absolutely vital that you keep your  teeth clean. Each time you eat the bacteria in your mouth needs of of the sugar, as they do this they excrete acid which attacks your teeth.

Over time this acid attack can result in dental decay if not kept under control.

These bacteria have a tendency to hide in between your teeth so using interdental brushes or floss is one of the best ways to clean in these difficult to reach areas. The problem if your teeth crooked is that these areas can often be extremely tricky to get floss or brushes into.

For this reason straighter teeth can be healthier teeth!

Decreased Risk of Injury to Protruding Teeth.

2-div1If your teeth protrude then they are more likely to receive a direct blow in the event of an accident.

If you are unlucky enough to be hit in the face then a straighter smile will distribute the force of the contact across a wide area meaning you are less likely to sustain injury to any specific tooth.

Decreased headache and neck pain.



The muscles of the face, head and neck are all connected. If your back teeth are not quite aligned then your jaw muscles may compensate for this throughout the day. You probably wouldn’t notice as your muscles get used to pulling the jaw into the correct position.

However, over time the muscles can become tired and strained, if they are pulling particularly hard then this can result in head and neck pain.

Straighter teeth can mean that your jaws line up in a more natural position relieving this pressure on the muscles and therefore relieving headache and neck pain.

 Preventing Abnormal Tooth Wear

When you eat your teeth grind from left to right as well as up and down. As your teeth move to each side they will glide over each other in a specific way, in dental terms this is known as a ‘lateral excursion’.

In a situation with straight teeth this lateral excursion (when you move your teeth to either the left or right) happens without any specific tooth getting in the way.  If a tooth gets in the way when you slide from left to right we call this an ‘interference’.

There are a few ways to remove these interferences during a lateral excursion and one of those ways is by moving the teeth into the correct position so that the interference doesn’t happen. This can also result in reduced headache and neck pain as the muscles around your jaws are not having to compensate for these teeth interferences.

 Improved Overall Health


the bacteria in your teeth which calls periodontal disease have been found to be  involved in other processes around the body. Halitosis, heart disease, diabetes, respiratory problems and even erectile dysfunction have all been linked to periodontal disease.

As we have said before, because straighter teeth are easier to keep clean you will find it easier to keep the bacteria which cause periodontal disease at bay.

A straighter smile not only gives you a healthy smile but could lead to a healthier body also.

We offer a free consultation for any patient wanting to discuss straighter teeth, please contact us today.