Softening Facial Creases

Blog posts by Solihull Dental Centre and Implant Clinic relating to Softening facial creases

How Long Do Bruises Last After Lip Fillers?

How Long Do Bruises Last After Lip Fillers?

If signs of ageing have started appearing on your face, no need to worry – you can start looking youthful again in a matter of hours. Thanks to modern cosmetic procedures, no matter how many facial wrinkles or creases you have, they can be removed with lip fillers. According to the National Health Service (NHS), lip fillers are substances that are injected into the skin to remove wrinkles, creases by adding volume to sagging areas of the face such as the cheeks and the lips. If you want to know more about lip fillers, how long they last, and how they work, this article is for you. So, read on to learn everything about lip fillers. 

What Foods Should I Avoid After Getting Lip Fillers/Injections?

After getting lip filler injections, your dentist will advise you to avoid unnecessary facial movements like kissing, rubbing or puckering. This is to ensure uninterrupted healing of the injection site. Besides, there are certain foods and drinks that you should avoid after having a lip filler injection. Some of these include:

  • Coffee or caffeinated drinks 
  • Alcohol 
  • High-sodium foods 
  • High-sugar foods 
  • Bakery products and refined sugars 
  • Spicy foods and curries 
  • Tobacco smoking 
  • Niacin-containing supplements 

Will A Lip Injection Bruise?

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, you can expect mild to moderate swelling and bruising of the face – and this is nothing to worry about. This swelling and bruising should go away in a few days. You can apply ice packs over the face to help subside the swelling and redness. However, if the bruising persists beyond one week, you should consult the doctor for further advice. 

How Long Does It Take For A Needle Injection Wound To Heal?

Dermal filler needle injections typically take 2-3 days to heal. During the healing process, you may expect swelling, redness, and some weakness of the facial muscles. However, these symptoms should go away in a few days. The healing time depends on various factors such as your overall health, diet, and type of dermal filler injected. If your doctor injects your own fat tissue as dermal fillers, it may take a few weeks for the injection site to heal completely.  

Do Lip Injections Hurt During/After Lip Injections?

Your doctor will ensure that you remain pain-free and comfortable during the procedure. Dermal fillers do not cause significant pain or discomfort. In some cases, doctors also numb the area prior to treatment to minimize the pain. However, you may feel some pain and soreness after the procedure, which should begin to subside after 24 hours. 

Can I Go Back To Work After Having Lip Injections/Fillers Done?

According to the American Association of Plastic Surgeons, you can resume most of your daily routine right after the procedure. However, you should avoid strenuous physical activity, at least for the first 24 hours. If your work involves physical activity, it may be a good idea to consult your physician whether you can resume work immediately after getting the injections. 

How Safe Is It To Go For Dermal Fillers?

Dermal facial fillers are safe, provided they are administered by a qualified and licensed physician or dentist. According to the NHS, the risk associated with dermal fillers depends on their type and the physician’s administering skill. Some common risks associated with dermal fillers include:

  • Formation of lumps under the skin 
  • Fillers moving away from the injection site 
  • Scarring 
  • Blockade of facial vessels 
  • Infection

If you feel any of these signs after getting fillers, or if you observe that the swelling does not subside after one week,  you should consult your treating physician for advice. 

Do Lip Injections Damage Lips?

Most of the adverse effects associated with dermal fillers are caused by improper injection. If lip fillers are injected into the blood vessels, they may cause blockage , leading to tissue damage and even function or sensation loss in the associated area. Sometimes, allergic reactions can occur in patients who are sensitive to a particular ingredient of the fillers. Besides, overfilling may also cause lip tissue damage. That is why you should always go for an experienced dentist or physician for getting lip fillers or any other cosmetic facial treatment. 

Are There Any Side Effects Of Lip Fillers?

Mainly, the side effects of lip fillers are caused due to poor injection techniques or using the wrong fillers. Some of the side effects of lip fillers include:

  • Prolonged swelling 
  • Muscle weakness 
  • Infection 
  • Allergic reaction 
  • Nerve damage 
  • Scarring 

What Should I Do To Get Rid Of A Bruise On My Lip?

Bruises on the lips are nothing to worry about after getting dermal fillers, as they will disappear in a few days. However, you can accelerate the healing process by applying icepacks over the facial skin. This constricts the blood vessels, thereby slowing down the transport of inflammatory mediator chemicals that cause swelling – ultimately reducing the inflammation. 

Is It Better To Ice Or Heat A Bruise?

Both methods are used for accelerating the healing process. However, heat application dilates the blood vessels, which help the body’s immune cells remove the inflammatory mediator cells from the site quickly—on the other hand, applying ice over the face will cause the blood vessels in the area to shrink, thereby restricting the entry of inflammatory mediators. As a result, the extent of swelling is reduced. Hence, If the idea is to reduce swelling, ice packs are best. On the other hand, if you wish to get rid of bruises quickly, heat application is the best way to go. 

The take-home message of this article is that you should always consult an experienced and qualified dentist for getting dermal fillers. If you are looking for a reputable and renowned practice in Solihull that offers dermal fillers with the best aesthetic outcome and minimal side effects, you should contact Solihull Dental Centre. Our well-trained team will ensure that you get the best and safest cosmetic treatments that you can enjoy a lasting and healthy smile. So, book your lip filler consultation appointment today and let us shed a couple of years off your face!

Lip Fillers For Symmetry - Everything you Need To Know

Lip Fillers For Symmetry – Everything you Need To Know

Did you know that your smile and facial structures are the first things people notice about you when meeting for the first time? This means that people will form an impression of you even before you have said a single word. That is why a beautiful smile and youthful looks go a long way in making a good impression on people. While some people may have naturally beautiful smiles with perfectly balanced and harmonious facial features, others may not be that lucky. But that does not mean that they have to live with flawed smiles. Thanks to cosmetic dentistry, you can now get rid of virtually any facial defect like ageing wrinkles, sagging skin or thin lips to enjoy a beautiful smile that brings the best out of you. 

This article discusses how lip fillers, also called dermal fillers, can help make you look younger, prettier, and attractive. So, read on to find out which dermal fillers are the most suitable for you. 

Is Lip Filler Safe? How Long Is The Effect?

According to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, lip fillers are gel-like substances injected within the skin to fix cosmetic facial defects like lost dermal volume, skin creases, and wrinkles. It has been estimated that over 1 million people benefit from this cosmetic procedure to rejuvenate their smiles. 

What Are “Dermal Fillers” Used For?

Although commonly used as “wrinkle fillers”, dermal fillers can do much more than just remove skin creases. They also help prevent the skin from losing volume. Some of the additional uses of dermal lip fillers approved by the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) include:

  • Improving or restoring skin volume 
  • Making the lips more plump, rounded and attractive 
  • Removing wrinkle lines on the face, mouth, and the nose
  • Improving symmetry between facial features and fixing facial asymmetry 
  • Smoothing out creases around the chin

What Is Filler Material?

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, different types of lip fillers are used by cosmetic dentists, depending on the intended use and the patient’s aesthetic needs. Regardless of their composition, dermal fillers are made from gel-like materials,  which increase facial volume when injected under the skin. Some of the commonly used dermal filler materials include:

  • Calcium hydroxide 
  • Hyaluronic acid 
  • Polyalkylimide 
  • Polylactic acid 
  • Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)

Each filler material is used for different aesthetics treatments. Your dentist will suggest a suitable filer material following a detailed clinical examination and assessing the underlying aesthetic issue. 

What Are The Benefits Of Dermal Filler Treatments?

Cosmetic dentistry has come a long way in offering cost-effective, safe, and natural-looking options for getting rid of cosmetic facial flaws. Dermal fillers are among the most commonly used aesthetic procedures to reverse signs of ageing and other facial deformities. Some of the benefits of dermal fillers include:

  1. Immediate results – you can  see the aesthetic improvement almost immediately after the procedure 
  2. Minimal downtime- there is no or minimal recovery time involved. You can get back to your normal routine immediately after the procedure. 
  3. Safety – dermal fillers are safe, provided an experienced and qualified cosmetic dentist performs the procedure.
  4. Boost Self-confidence – after getting lip fillers, you will observe an immediate improvement in your self-confidence. 
  5. Long-lasting – depending on the type of fillers used, the effects of lip fillers can last for up to 18 months. 

Are There Ways For Me To Fix My Facial Asymmetry?

When it comes to restoring facial symmetry flaws, there are two main options available. The first option is the correct the flaw using cosmetic surgery. While cosmetic surgery is a worthwhile solution, it carries side effects such as long recovery times, risk of complications, and high cost. The other, safer, and more cost-effective option are the dermal fillers. Your dentist will inject fillers on the affected side of the face,  and you will walk away with balanced and harmonious facial features in a matter of minutes. 

Can Facial Asymmetry Be Reduced Non-Surgically?

Yes, facial symmetry flaws can be corrected quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively using dermal fillers. You should consult your cosmetic dentist to enquire whether you are a suitable candidate for getting a lip or dermal fillers for a smile makeover. 

How Would I Look With Lip Injections?

Lip injections increase skin volume in the region where they are administered. After the injection, you can expect your lips to appear more plump, rounded and attractive – giving you a more youthful, charming and confident smile. 

What Foods Should I Avoid After Getting Lip Fillers/Injections?

After getting lip fillers, you should avoid foods that have a dehydrating effect. These include coffee, tea, and alcohol. Besides, you should avoid foods that increase blood pressure and sugar levels. Finally, It is also advisable to reduce intake of high-sodium foods for a few days after the injection. 

Would Lip Fillers Help Disguise A Mild Over Bite?

In some cases, dentists can cosmetically mask the effect of a mild overbite using dermal fillers. However, this procedure only gives temporary results. Besides, it does not correct the underlying cause. If you cannot wait for a few months to get the problem corrected with braces, then it might be a good idea to get it fixed cosmetically using dermal fillers. 

Do Lip Injections Hurt During/After Lip Injections?

Lip filler injections will not hurt if they are performed by an experienced cosmetic dentist. However, you may expect some facial swelling or discomfort for a few days after the treatment. Don’t worry; the swelling and pain will go away in few days, leaving behind an adorable and charming smile. 

While dermal lip fillers give amazing results, it is essential to get the treatment done by a professional with appropriate training and certification. If you are looking for a cosmetic dental practice in Solihull to get dermal fillers, Solihull Dental Centre and Implant Clinic is the best option. Whether you need cosmetic dental services or general dentistry treatment, we provide all services under one roof. So, book a free dermal and lip fillers consultation appointment with us to take your first step towards the smile of your dreams.

Softening the creases

Surveys have revealed that:

  • Over 75% of people don’t feel confident to smile in a photograph.
  • Over 45% of people make judgements about people by the look of their smile.
  • Over 75% of people think that a beautiful smile helps people psychologically.
  • Over 65% of people think that an attractive smile helps romantically.

Being aware of this fact goes some way to explaining the rise in wrinkle reduction and increased softening treatments that we are experiencing in the Solihull, Birmingham area of the Midlands. We Therefore thought it prudent to write an extensive blog post covering the top questions most people ask about these treatments, one of which may be Botox.

We would also like to point out that whilst Botox may be suitable for you, it forms part of a wide range of treatments and prescriptions available. We will only ever prescribe a suitable treatment for you, which may or may not include Botulinium type A (Botox) or dermal fillers.

Botox®  is commonly used in the treatment of wrinkles, frown lines and crows feet. Over time these wrinkles will become permanent even when you’re not frowning. The Botox® treatment involves using a series of targeted injections that relax the muscles that cause the lines and wrinkles. The result is smoother, younger looking skin and you’ll be amazed when your wrinkles smooth out after a day or so, restoring your face to a more youthful and relaxed look.

How does Botox® Work?

Botox® works by relaxing the muscles on the face that cause wrinkles. When we express ourselves, such as talking and smiling we constantly use our facial muscles which causes lines and wrinkles on the face. Over the years these lines and wrinkles can become deeper and more prominent and are worsened by smoking, sun damage and loss of skin collagen and elasticity.

Injecting small amounts of Botox®, a purified protein derived from Clostridium Botulinum, using tiny needles, the signals between nerves and the injected muscles are prevented from connecting therefore reducing the activity in the muscles that cause lines and wrinkles to form.

Here’s an animation which shows how this works:


The Botox® works by blocking the nerve impulses to the muscle that trigger wrinkle causing contractions. The treatment can cause a little discomfort and redness may also appear on the treated area, but this will disappear after an hour or so.

How soon after treatment when I noticed results and how long will they last?

Botox® treatment is relatively quick, an initial consultation takes around 30 minutes, and then the treatment itself takes 15-30 minutes, depending on the area to be treated

Results can be seen after as little 48 hours and last for around 4-6 months. There is no recovery period, bruising or swelling after treatment. Botox® does not cause any loss of facial expressions. Only the treated areas will be affected.

Is there any pain associated with treatment?

Discomfort is usually minimal and brief. Prior to injection, we may choose to numb the area with a cold pack or anesthetic cream.

Will I still be able to frown after treatment?

It’s a commonly held myth that treatment paralyses your muscles so that you can’t move.

Although the results are visible, a treatment with BOTOX® Cosmetic (botulinum toxin A) will not radically change your facial appearance or make you look as if you’ve “had cosmetic surgery.” The muscle activity that causes frown lines between the brows is temporarily reduced, so you can still frown or look surprised without the wrinkles and creases between your brows.

How long does treatment last?

The results from treatment with Botox® usually last around three to four months. If you did not continue with regular Botox® treatment, your lines would eventually come back to the level they were at prior to your treatment. As lines become softer and the muscles less active, regular clients find they may need Botox® less frequently than every four months.

How much does treatment with Botox® cost?

Derma fillers from £275.00 per 1ml
Anti wrinkle  treatments
  • 1 area – £150.00
  • 2 areas- £175.00
  • 3 areas – £199.00

Botox® is a very affordable treatment when compared to the surgical alternatives and provides you with a natural, healthy, rejuvenated look . The prices depend on whether the treatment required is mild, moderate or advanced. At your consultation appointment we will be able to give you a clear indication of the price.