Tag Archives: cosmetic dentistry

Teeth Whitening Dentists - What Can They Offer?

Teeth Whitening Dentists – What Can They Offer?

Pearly white and sparkling teeth are an essential component of an attractive smile. According to a survey by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, people who have beautiful teeth and charming smiles are perceived to be more attractive and approachable than ones with flawed smiles. If you are also concerned about your coffee or tea tooth stains ruining your smile, don’t worry; you can get rid of these stains and enjoy a beautiful smile, thanks to professional teeth whitening. 

“But why should I get my teeth whitened at a dentistal practice, and why can’t I use an at-home whitening formula?”, you might ask. This blog will answer your question. So, continue reading to learn why professional teeth whitening by a dentist is always safer and gives superior aesthetic results.

How Well Does Teeth Whitening Done By The Dentist Work?

If you search the internet, you will find numerous at-home bleaching products and non-dental cosmetic services claiming to provide amazing teeth whitening results. Unfortunately, most of these products contain substandard ingredients that fail to provide desirable results. Similarly, some non-dental cosmetic services offering teeth whitening often use low-strength bleaching agents while others use excessively high concentrations that can cause complications such as tooth sensitivity and decay. On the other hand, dentists are trained to perform teeth whitening safely and effectively. Although dentists use high-strength bleaching agents to ensure excellent results in a single sitting, they take all precautionary measures to prevent any damage to the teeth or gums. That is why, teeth whitening performed by a dentist always provides better results than non-dentists and at-home bleaching products. 

How Often Can You Whiten Your Teeth With Zoom In One Year?

Although zoom whitening can effectively remove even the most stubborn tooth stains, it should not be considered as an alternative to regular oral hygiene maintenance. After all, most teeth stains develop because of failure to ensure optimal teeth cleaning. Dental experts recommend that zoom teeth whitening should not be performed more than once in a year. This is because excessive whitening procedures may put your teeth at-risk of developing sensitivity and dental cavities. 

How Successful Have You Been At Whitening Your Teeth?

At-home whitening formulas and strips offer varying levels of aesthetic results. As mentioned earlier, many whitening product manufacturers either use substandard ingredients to cut cost, or use dangerously high levels of bleaching agents that can damage your teeth. Regardless, one thing is certain; the aesthetic outcome of at-home whitening systems can never be as good as professionally done teeth whitening by a dentist. 

What Is The Requirement Of The Teeth Whitening?

The main ingredient of teeth whitening systems is a potent bleaching agent. Most whitening systems use carbamide peroxide as their whitening agent. This chemical is extremely volatile and it quickly releases hydrogen peroxide, which penetrates beneath the dental enamel and chemically dissolves teeth stains caused due to the consumption of several foods & drinks:

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Tobacco
  • Red wine

Some whitening formulas also use a light source to activate the bleaching agent to enhance its effectiveness. 

Why Is Professional Teeth Whitening Important?

Professional teeth whitening is safer and more effective than other teeth bleaching options. This is because dentists always apply protective materials like vaseline or cocoa butter on the gums, cheeks, and lips to prevent accidental bleaching. Besides, dentists use very high concentrations of bleaching agents, which provide superior results in a single sitting than other non-professionally applied whitening products. Hence, you will feel a noticeable improvement in the shade and colour of your teeth after a single sitting of professional teeth whitening. This is why professional whitening should be preferred over other tooth bleaching options. 

Are Home Teeth-Whitening Kits, Worth It?

At-home teeth whitening products have the advantage of being cheaper and more convenient. In addition, you can use these formulas in the comforts of your own home and according to your schedule. That is why people tend to prefer domestic whitening products to save time and money. Unfortunately, at-home whitening formulas do not provide the desired results as they are not as effective as the ones used at a dental practice – and require repeated application and treatment. In the end, many people ultimately need to visit their dentists for teeth whitening after they fail to achieve the desired results with domestically used whitening products. 

How Useful Are The Teeth Whitening Kits And Products?

You may benefit from teeth whitening kits and products if you have minor teeth stains. However, if you have obvious teeth stains, whitening formulas available in the supermarkets or convenience stores may not be sufficient for you. You may have to use the formula repeatedly to achieve the desired results, which carry the risk of making your teeth sensitive and vulnerable to tooth decay. So, if you want the best aesthetic outcome, you should consider visiting a dentist for your teeth whitening. 

Teeth whitening is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic dentistry procedures worldwide. Whether you have curry, tea, coffee, red wine, or juice stains on your teeth, you can get rid of them through professional whitening. If you are looking for the best cosmetic dentistry practice Sollihul, you should go to Sollihul Dental Centre and Implant Clinic. We offer dental services for your entire family in a comfortable and relaxing environment and at affordable rates. Whether you need veneers for your crooked teeth or braces for your kids, we are there to take care of all your needs. So, book a new patient appointment today and let us give you a lasting and healthy smile.

Veneers For Crooked Teeth

Veneers For Crooked Teeth-Everything You Need To Know

Some people are born with perfectly straight, sparkling white teeth; On the other hand, others may have some facial defects that ruin their smile and facial aesthetics. If you have crooked teeth that make you shy away from smiling or speaking publicly, cosmetic dentistry can help you! This article explains one of the most effective and time-tested options for fixing crooked, misaligned, or chipped teeth – dental veneers. So, continue reading to find out how you can enjoy a rockstar smile with dental veneers. 

What’s A Veneer?

According to the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, veneers are wafer-thin shells of composite resins or porcelain that are bonded to the front surface of the teeth. Dental veneers are used for a wide variety of cosmetic and restorative dental issues without the need for excessive removal of the natural tooth structure. 

Can I Get No Prep Veneers If I Have Crooked Teeth?

No-prep veneers, also called lumineers, are extremely thin shells like veneers – only much thinner – that can be applied directly to the teeth without the need for tooth removal (in most cases). As a result, lumineers are an ideal option for fixing minor cosmetic defects. However, in excessively crooked teeth, your dentist will first restore them with a suitable filling material and then apply lumineers over them. This is because the lumineers are so thin that they do not play a protective or supportive role – they only enhance the aesthetics. Therefore, a pre-requisite for lumineer placement is that the teeth should not have extensive structural damage. 

Should I Get Dental Veneers Or Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is a procedure in which your dentist will restore grossly damaged or stained teeth by applying a tooth coloured filling material over them. Dental bonding is performed at the dental chairside and is typically suitable for restoring mild aesthetic or structural defects. On the other hand, dental veneers are prepared in the laboratory. Hence, they are much stronger and aesthetically pleasing than composite fillings. Besides, veneers are also relatively long-lasting and do not get stained easily. Therefore, if you are looking for the best aesthetic outcome, you should go for veneers. 

Who Qualifies As A Good Candidate For Dental Veneers?

Any individual having crooked or chipped teeth is a potential candidate for porcelain veneers. Dental veneers are ideal restorative options in the following cases:

  • Cracked or chipped teeth 
  • Permanent teeth stains 
  • Mild teeth gaps 
  • Mild teeth overlapping 
  • Smile makeovers 
  • Tooth recontouring 

Are Veneers Harmful To Teeth?

One may think that since veneers require removal of the healthy tooth structure for their attachment, they will be harmful to one’s oral health. But, that is not the case; only a very thin layer of the enamel is removed, which will not harm your teeth. However, if you don’t maintain optimal oral hygiene around your veneered teeth, it can lead to secondary tooth decay and other complications. 

Can You Get Veneers Without Straight Teeth?

Although the ideal option for straightening misaligned teeth is orthodontic treatment with either braces or Invisalign aligners, there are cases in which dentists can cosmetically straighten mildly misaligned teeth with veneers. However, braces and Invisalign aligners are still the choice treatment option for fixing more complex alignment problems. 

Are Veneers Good For Teeth?

Veneers are used for restoring the aesthetics, structure, and function of grossly damaged teeth. Therefore, teeth straightened or restored with veneers become structurally more robust and possess excellent aesthetics – blending in perfectly with the existing healthy teeth. So, yes, veneers are suitable for restoring damaged teeth. 

Can A Teeth Gap Be Hidden By Veneers?

Another use of dental veneers is cosmetically restoring teeth gaps. Your dentist will fix this problem by attaching slightly wider veneers that fill the teeth gap. So, the veneers basically cosmetically “mask” the cosmetic issue. If optimal treatment is sought, the gap should be closed with orthodontic treatment options like teeth braces or clear aligners. 

Can You Get Veneers For Overlapping Teeth?

As discussed earlier, the best treatment option for misaligned, gapped, or overlapping teeth is orthodontic treatment. However, some people cannot afford the treatment, while others do not like to wait for months to achieve the desired aesthetic results. In these cases, dentists suggest an alternative cosmetic option with veneers. In some instances, dentists can fix minor teeth overlapping with porcelain or composite veneers. 

How Long Do Veneers Last?

The clinical service life of dental veneers depends on various factors, including the type and quality of the used material, skills and expertise of the dentist and the laboratory staff, and, more importantly, oral hygiene maintenance. According to the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, well looked after dental veneers can last between 10 and 15 years. Generally, porcelain veneers are stronger, durable, and more stain-resistant than composite-based veneers. 

At Solihull Dental Centre and Implant Clinic, we believe that everyone deserves to enjoy a charming and beautiful smile. That is why we offer premium cosmetic dentistry services to the residents of Solihull and surrounding areas. Whether you need implants for missing teeth, Invisalign aligners for your kid, or professional teeth whitening to get rid of your coffee or tea stains, we offer all dental services under one roof.

If you would like to consult with our dental team, you can book a consultation appointment here. Our friendly, experienced and qualified team looks forwards to serving you and helping you achieve a healthy, beautiful, and lasting smile.